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Test method : ANSI/AMCA 500-D-12 ITEM 6.2 ( Test Figure : fig 5.5 Altermate& fig6.5 )
Why BFM® Fitting
Clean, Fast and Safe
乾淨 ! 迅速! 安全 !
Introducing the revolutionary snap-in, flexible BFM® connector and BFM® spigot. Our patented technology eliminates the problems associated with traditional hose clamp systems. What began as the 2am brainwave of creator Blair McPheat is now trusted by some of the world’s largest processing companies to keep their product (and profits) flowing. Find out about the BFM® story and how you can make your industrial environment cleaner, safer and more efficient.
BFM Global 的產品始於 Blair McPheat 於凌晨兩點的一個突發奇想,一個藉由內嵌式軟管達到系統物料不外洩的設計,至此解決了許 多全球大廠困擾了多年的問題。原本在生產系統上到處外洩的粉料,現在因為內嵌式軟管而不再造成物料浪費,環境汙染。BFM Global 產品於2013年由立津國際開發有限公司作為台灣總代理引進台灣市場,目前被廣泛應用於國內石化與食品製藥等領域,致力於與客戶的持續配合,改善生產環境上的困難與困擾,與帶來更完善的工作環境。
The Bulk Bag Loader
Bulk Bag Loader is extended from the BFM series products, can be installed with existing bulk bag system through revising, and solve the dust leaking problem during entire filling process by the expansion characteristic. In addition, fixing the bulk bag by expansion can prevent the danger caused by mechanical structure, and can be used in various sizes of bulk bag systems.
由BFM 原系列產品延伸出來的膨脹接頭,可與原有噸袋系統改裝後安裝,可藉由膨脹的特性解決快速下料時粉塵逸散的問題。除此之外,膨脹固定的噸袋可省去機械結構可能造成的公安危險,可適用於多款尺寸的噸袋分裝系統。

Where fluidizer is used
Li Jin offer Solimar silo fluidizers that promote the discharge of dry products from storage silos, dust collectors, weigh bins and IBC’s. Fluidizers enable a uniform flow of most dry bulk materials through aeration and hopper wall vibration that helps prevent bridging, rat holing and compacting.
Solimar 流化器可提供穩定且持續性的震動給料倉內的物料,避免物料因為堆疊導致架橋;鼠洞,堆疊等料倉儲放常見的問題而影響生產流程。專利的碟盤設計讓產品擁有良好的產品壽命與穩定表現,已被廣泛應用於食品製藥,石化,化工等任何需要暫存槽的產線上。
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